Hip & Knee’s causing you grief?
Oh for the days of yore, when the words ‘joint’ and ‘pain’ weren’t used together in your vocabulary! As time passes though, your joints do lose their get-up-and-go, and simple movements, especially in your knees and hips can become painful. Hip and knee disorders can...
Winter can take a toll on your body ⛄
Massage is great at any time of year; however, it can be extremely beneficial during the colder months. Here are 6 reasons why you should book in for a regular massage during winter... Winter can take a toll on your body and we can help to fix that! For most of us,...
Create healthy fitness habits during winter ⛄
When it’s chilly outside it can be hard to stay motivated about your fitness. We tend to take on a “snuggle up” mentality meaning we eat more and do less – human hibernation! However, regularly exercising during the colder months helps to create the body we feel more...
Beat the Winter Blues
Now that the Christmas & New Year holidays are over and winter is undeniably here, it’s hard to overlook the shorter days and drops in temperature. Whether you’re experiencing a mild chill or a full-on polar vortex, it’s pretty much second nature to want to stay...
Christmas Calm
Christmas can be a pretty stressful time of year, so at this time of year, it's important to take time out from the festive hustle and bustle to relax your body, calm your mind and balance your emotions. According to a study, over half of us feel that we have no time...
Share from Salisbury Meditation & Sound Therapy!
Our sister company, Salisbury Meditation & Sound Therapy has another opportunity this December... Now that November and therefore autumn is officially winding to an end today, they thought they'd put something special in the diary for winter! They will be hosting...
Winter Immunity
Staying healthy during the winter months can be difficult, but it doesn’t mean it’s impossible! Winter typically means more time spent indoors and a time when germs are easily spread (as we all well know!) Luckily, there are ways to prevent illness and stay healthy...
Interested in learning how to reduce stress?
We’re finding that more and more people are reaching out to us because they are feeling stressed, under pressure, tired or overwhelmed. They maybe feeling like they can’t relax, sleep well, have mental tiredness, brain fog or unwanted thoughts. Firstly, it’s great...
Do your muscles remind you that it’s important to be careful while working in the garden?
This is the time of the year when most gardeners are out in their gardens, raking leaves, pulling weeds and cleaning up to get ready for winter, which can lead to aches and pains. So it's also a time we often see ‘garden related’ injuries in clinic!Here are some of...
What to expect beginners pilates class – everything you need to know part 3
Before you walk into the class, things to know So you are in the building, hopefully you have stored away your personal belongings with your phone on aeroplane mode so not distracting anyone. Pilates class room set up Some classes the mats will be laid out on the...
What to expect beginners pilates class – everything you need to know part 2
Okay so you have booked your beginners pilates class but before you walk into the class here are the things to know and consider so you feel prepared Health form I believe a good thorough teacher will insist on a confidential medical health form prior to your taking...
What to expect beginners pilates class – everything you need to know part 1
In this blog we are going to go through what you need to know and expect for a beginners pilates class Part 1 -Before picking a pilates class things for you to consider and know What is pilates Pilates was created by Joseph Pilates (first studio created in the 1920’s)...
10 benefits of doing Pilates and how pilates can help you physically and mentally. #7 is something we all need
Hello and Welcome to Bodyfixit. In this blog we will being sharing 10 benefits of doing Pilates and how pilates can help you physically and mentally. Number 1 is being able to move easier and more freely. People often find that once they start moving in a gentle way...
Working from home? 3 things that I think are essential to reduce aches and pains
Hi, everybody It's Gemma from Bodyfixit. I hope you're well. I thought I would just share with you what my home office looks like and things that you might be able to do to help you be able to work from home better. Here are our tips to help with setting up your desk...
What makes pilates classes different at Bodyfixit?
Hello my name is Gemma, Welcome to Bodyfixit, I hope you are well. I wanted to do this quick video and blog post on what makes our pilates classes different at Bodyfixit's whether our face 2 face classes or online. There's a lot of different options out there for...
3 reasons why to try pilates and how pilates can help you
Not sure if Pilates can help you? Hello, everybody it's Gemma from Bodyfixit. I hope you're well. We quite often hear from people who have heard about pilates but they are not really sure if it can help them or if pilates is suitable for them because they have...
How to reduce muscle aches, stiffness and keep injury free whilst exercising during coronavirus
Want to start getting fit and healthy or do more exercise during lockdown but don't want to worry about muscle aches, stiffness and injury throughout the coronavirus situation? Well don't worry because here are our simple tips to help you do just that! As I said in...
Talking anxiety and stress particularly during coronavirus and what you can do about it
The measures taken to curtail the spread of COVID-19 have been drastic, massive and immediate and very necessary. Our world has changed radically, and now many of us are far more worried and apprehensive than usual! As racing thoughts, pounding pulses and ever-present...
8 simple tips to help you sit comfortably at your desk now without back pain or neck pain
Here our our really simple tips that you can start doing straight away which will help you sit at your desk comfortably without back pain or neck pain. 1st tip to sit comfortably at your desk - chair height This is easy to achieve on an adjustable chair but also...
Sport Massage
Sports Massage (Salisbury) is an amazing technique to help people feel better and move better. #1)Not sporty? It doesn’t matter! We use various soft tissue techniques within sports massage which are made specific to the client and what...
Top Tips shoulder and neck aches at work
Top Tips – Back Aches and Pain
Top Tips – Muscle Aches and Pains Event Recovery
Top Tips – For New Mums With Aches and Pains
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