Now that the Christmas & New Year holidays are over and winter is undeniably here, it’s hard to overlook the shorter days and drops in temperature.
Whether you’re experiencing a mild chill or a full-on polar vortex, it’s pretty much second nature to want to stay indoors, wear cozy clothes and drink frothy lattes until April showers bring May flowers!

For some people, winter can bring on more than just a craving to cuddle up under the covers. Although the root cause is not fully known, Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a type of depression that occurs during winter. Sufferers experience feelings of depression or hopelessness, and present with low energy, sleep issues, and even weight gain.

Even if you don’t have a diagnosed with SAD, you might still be feeling less than motivated to get up and move. We get it — it’s cold (and dark) outside! The great thing about Pilates is that you schedule it, you book the appointment, and you’re less able to put it off and say “I’ll do it tomorrow”.
If you can’t get to the studio, you can book an online class!

A regular exercise routine with dedicated workouts offers plenty of benefits for overall well-being, from helping to reduce stress and boost your mood, to increasing energy and improving sleep. Exercising helps boost the brain’s levels of feel-good serotonin, the same neurotransmitter that antidepressants hone in on.

Even if you can’t get to the Pilates studio, there are plenty of simple, quick things you can do to beat the winter blues and help you feel good. Read on for some easy exercises and smart strategies for optimal physical and mental health all winter long!

1. Just Breathe

For an instant boost in energy or surge of relaxation no matter where you might be, try taking a few deep breaths with intention. Just sit there and breathe and see what it feels like without going into the judgment zone. Be there in the moment.

Why it works: Focused breathing evokes that link of mind/body, it’s the concentration and the breathing together that is so synergistic and beautiful – you can do it in your desk chair, in the car or even while standing and waiting for your coffee.

2. Try a power workout

For some people, such as those who work long hours or have small children to take care of, it can be difficult to get to the studio or gym for a full 60-minute session. The great thing about Pilates is that a little goes a long way. Even a 20 minute Pilates workout will make a world of difference!

3. Get pumped!

The Hundred is a foundational Pilates exercise that’s designed to coordinate your movement with your breath, to get your blood circulating and your body warm. In other words, it’s the perfect pick-me-up for that midday slump.
If you don’t feel like doing the full-blown exercise, we feel you! Try this less daunting variation: Allow your feet and/or legs to rest on the mat, to decrease the abdominal challenge, and elongate your inhales and exhales up to 10 counts.

4. Stretch out 

When cold weather hits, the parts that get really tight are the ankles because we’re can be stuck in boots all day, and the feet, neck, and shoulders. And as you’re probably (painfully) aware of, when we’re experiencing tension in our bodies, our energy takes a nosedive. The good news is that some simple stretches can make a big impact.

For the feet: Lie down (or sit on a chair) and do simple ankle circles; roll a ball (a tennis ball or even a bouncy ball will do) under your feet; perform calf stretches.

For the neck: Do small, gentle circles with your head, moving in a figure-eight pattern, as you breathe deeply and try not to shift in your torso; then move one ear toward one shoulder and repeat with your opposite ear/shoulder.

For the shoulders: Place your right palm against a wall with your arm extended, allowing your left arm to relax at your side, and turn your chest and head to the left. Hold the stretch, allowing your pectoral muscles to release. Repeat on your opposite side.

5. Warm up with cardio

It’s always beneficial to begin a workout with a warm-up and that’s especially true when it’s freezing outside as you need to get the heart rate going.

Do some little hops or jumping jacks to get that warm feeling from the inside out. Or even a few minutes of Cat/Cows for the spine and Hip Circles would be great.

6. Buddy up

Studies have shown that enlisting a workout partner can help you stay on track and have more fun, too! In fact, a 2016 study conducted at the University of Aberdeen found that working out with a friend not only helped to increase exercise frequency, but it provided a dose of emotional support, too.

Set up a date with a girlfriend to meet at a group class, and then have a chat over coffee afterward. Equally the small nature of our Pilates classes tends to offer built-in support and camaraderie.

7. Mix it up

When it comes to Pilates, don’t be afraid to try something new to keep things interesting and to help you stay motivated and challenged, no matter the temperature outside. As long as you’re moving you’ll benefit.



Relieve your aches & stiffness
Beginners Pilates Trial Class

If you or a friend or family member has started the New Year feeling stiff, not very supple or is having niggles in the joints and back, then our beginner Pilates trial may be the start of
something great in 2023!

Improve your movement, posture and strengthen your core… Nervous about starting something new in case you’re left behind or not sure what to do… Tried Pilates before and it didn’t work or you didn’t get it…
You’re not alone – Let us help!

January 11th & 18th @ 17.45

We will be reopening from our Christmas &
New Year break on 9th January 2023