Massage is great at any time of year; however, it can be extremely beneficial during the colder months.

Here are 6 reasons why you should book in for a regular massage during winter…

Winter can take a toll on your body and we can help to fix that! 

For most of us, winter means hot drinks, extra layers of clothing, more hours spent indoors and less physical activity.

The good news is that a Remedial and Sports Massage can be a great tool to help you through the winter season!

The benefits of massage therapy during winter should not be overlooked, and may be exactly what you need to make it through to spring.



1. Boosts Your Immune System 
Massage increases lymph flow which help fights off infections and bacteria, boosting your immune system during the cold and flu season!

2. Increased Circulation
Lower temperatures cause the blood vessels to constrict, decreasing blood circulation and increasing blood pressure. A massage will help promote a better blood flow, bringing oxygen and nutrients to the cells, reducing congestions and increasing the feeling of body warmth.

3. Help with Joint Mobility and Stiffness
Many of us, when exposed to cold weather, tend to contract our muscles, especially in the neck and shoulder area, building stiffness and tension that can result in chronic pain and aches. Massage therapy will help release the tension in muscles and joints, promoting an overall feeling of well-being. It will also help maintain fitness as it will prevent the body from adopting incorrect postures that could lead to injuries.

4. Keep away the Winter Blues 
Massage helps boost serotonin levels in the body – the shorter days, cold weather and limited Vitamin D can leave you feeling low. Massage can relieve stress and assist with anxiety and depression.

5. Improve Skin Health and help prevent dehydration
Dry winter air, blustery wind, and heating can dry your skin quickly. Massage therapy is proven to improve skin hydration during these dry winter months.

Not only do our oils and lotions help, but massage assists in stimulating collagen production in the skin, which can stop in for getting dry and cracking.

6. Help Maintain Fitness and Flexibility
It’s tough finding the motivation to exercise and train as we start to enter the colder months. Whilst many of us prefer to stay in our warm beds and avoid injuries, continuing to stay active during Winter is very important.

Massage will make sure your joints are working properly, your muscles are stretched and hydrated, at that you are at your peak level of health, fitness and wellbeing in these colder months.


Don’t forget that alongside Sports Massage, we also offer…


The combination of acupuncture and massage is a powerful method of treatment. Research has shown that both acupuncture and massage individually are excellent for the reduction of pain and muscle spasm, but combining the treatments can enhance the effects.

Acupuncture improves blood flow to an area, pushing out fluids that may contain chemicals that cause pain and discomfort.

An acupuncture treatment can enhance a massage therapy session in several ways.  Acupuncture needles can work into deeper tissues, such as the multifidus muscles in the spine, which no fingers, elbows, or palms can access. It can also directly influence nerves and blood vessels with greater impact.

Hot Stone Massage
Hot stone massage therapy’s highlights go beyond pure relaxation. Although this treatment is the perfect choice for anyone looking to indulge in a light holistic massage with the added element of warmed stones and oil, it also offers:
