Amazing Autumn 🍂

Amazing Autumn 🍂

When autumn arrives, some of us experience a dip in mood, perhaps what feels like ‘autumnal blues’, as we attempt to regain a routine – the kids are back at school, there’s more traffic on the roads, more emails as everyone is back at work, the days feel shorter and...
September Relaxing Retreat

September Relaxing Retreat

Escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life and immerse yourself in a Relaxing Retreat Day this September with Salisbury Meditation and Sound Therapy! Let nature embrace you, revitalising your senses and providing the perfect backdrop for reflection and...
Looking after those tootsies 🐾

Looking after those tootsies 🐾

(Hopefully) Summer here in the UK is a time filled with sun, sea and sand for many of us. Who doesn’t love spending a day on the beach soaking up the sun and swimming in the refreshing ocean or mooching about in flip flops? You know who doesn’t? Your feet. They take a...