Hello my name is Gemma, Welcome to Bodyfixit, I hope you are well.

I wanted to do this quick video and blog postย  on what makes our pilates classes different at Bodyfixit’s whether

pilates class bodyfixit

pilates class bodyfixit

our face 2 face classes or online.

There’s a lot of different options out there for Pilates and exercise at the moment (during coronavirus), particularly with the online classes as well.

So what makes our classes different, whether they are actual classes you can come into, or the online classes that we’re doing currently?

Our pilates classes at Bodyfixit are really small on purpose.

small pilates classes

small pilates classes

We have a maximum of eight people in the beginners classes particularly, and about that number in our intermediate classes as well.

It’s really important to us that you’re doing the exercises correctly. If we have a big class, we are not able to make sure you’re doing the exercises correctly, correct you, or give you some tweaks, changes or modifications if the exercise isn’t right for you.

We’ve worked really hard on having small classes where we can see you. During online classes currently, we have a video camera going, you have a video camera going. We can interact with you and say, “Oh, okay, we’re doing that slightly wrong,” or maybe we need to change it. So you’re not going to make any of your previous injuries worse, which is particularly important at the moment. Because normally at Bodyfixit, if you injure yourself, you can come in for therapy and massage. We can get our hands on you and try and really help you with your aches and pains. But currently with the environment that we’re in with coronavirus, we’re not able to do that. Yes, we can try and give you advice and tips and things that are going to help you, but we can’t physically do the stuff that we’re really good at the moment.


muscle balance

muscle balance

Pilates is a great way to start getting you moving better, to strengthen up some muscles that maybe are a little bit weak, and that means that the muscles that have been working really hard can just relax. Through doing pilates based exercises we are trying to create a balance between the two so you have not got one muscle working really hard and one not working hard enough. We’re trying to create harmony and balance and strengthening you up in that safe and controlled way.



exercise options

exercise options

I think Pilates also is about giving you options. In our classes, we give you an option one, two, three, maybe even option four. This allows you to strengthen and move your body without making any previous injuries worse. It allows you to challenge yourself a little bit more or take it easier if you notice you are stiff or achy. It also means that we are slowly progressing the pilates exercises, so you are getting stronger, feeling like you are progressing and you are noticing that some exercises are getting easier, but it’s in a safe way. It is really important to use that you don’t feel like you have done a pilates class and then notice your back’s really sore.


pace yourself

pace yourself

The other thing which I think makes our pilates quite different to most classes is you are able to pace yourself.ย  People often say to us they have tried a class before whether pilates or general fitness and they didn’t enjoy the class as they felt pressure to keep up with everyone. In our classes we try and eliminate that by giving you a number of repetitions or a time to do the exercises for.ย  This allows you to do the pilates exercises at your own pace or speed so you don’t feel like you have to keep up and losing the control of the movements and the concentration.

In Pilates, it’s really important that you’re connecting your mind to your body so you’re working the two together. If you’re trying to keep up with someone and you’re losing it, you’ve lost that concentration.

So in terms of what makes our pilates classes different, they are really small classes, we can change and modify exercises so they are suitable for you so that you are still strengthening your body without making aches, pains and stiffness worse. We give you options and progression, and we try and give you as much simple instructions. Also due to our sports therapy and massage background if you are in a class and you say, my backs really sore today, or my necks sore, or you struggle with cramp” we can help you during class but also get on a call with you later and give you advice on how to make your symptoms better.

I think those are the main differences about Pilates at Bodyfixit. If you would like to know more, we have a free beginner’s Pilates class where you can come in and try it and see if it’s right for you. Just go to https://www.bodyfixit.co.uk/online-pilates-taster-class/ and click on the button to claim your free class, fill your details in and book yourself in.

We hope to see you in a Pilates class soon
