Winter Relaxation?

Winter Relaxation?

Have you been looking for a way to take some time just for you, so you can switch off and feel calmer, relaxed, de-stress and sleep better? Then why not come and Salisbury Meditation & Sound Therapy for a candlelit relaxing soundbath session! There are in fact 3...
It’s time to talk pelvic floor!

It’s time to talk pelvic floor!

Women’s bodies go through many changes as they age. One area of the body that many women may not focus on is the pelvis. The pelvic floor can undergo changes over time for a number of reasons, which can increase the risk of all sorts of issues. The good news is that...
Massage therapy lingo explained 💬

Massage therapy lingo explained 💬

Lets remind ourselves exactly what Sports Massage is… Sports massage is a form of soft tissue mobilisation, specifically designed to help people who are constantly physically active using a number of different techniques…. You can apply it in both sporting...